Connecting students to mental and physical support services with their phones

We Can Help!

We connect students to support
A student’s smartphone connects them to the world. Courage Connects provides links to valuable support services on the student’s phone, without them having to download an app.

We connect students and staff to support using QR Codes
Courage Connects has partnered with to create free QR codes linked to services. The codes give students and staff instant access to crisis support services.

We offer tools to help identify students in crisis

We help build caring communities
Courage Connects assists schools in their current efforts to foster a positive, safe, and affirming school environment.
About Courage Connects
The Courage Connects program was developed in association with SPAC – School Photographers Association of California, a non-profit organization,, and more than 5,000 school portrait studio partners.
With more than 500 professional school photographer firms from every state in the nation, and serving more than 20 million students, SPAC remains uniquely positioned to provide the Courage Connects program in the fulfillment of its mission to serve and educate.